Monday, October 11, 2010


Limitations of Homeopathy

As in any system Homeopathy also has its own limitations.

Unlike in other systems Homeopathy aims at the totality of symptoms

including mental, responses to posture,temperature,sensations,relief and

aggravations to various stimuli and the drugs are selected based on the

comprehensive picture and not to a particular branded disease, Selection of

medicine is a great challenge to the physician., testing the patience of both the

doctor and patient. Drugs are not branded with a particular titled disease and

any of the several drugs can cure a particular discomfort. For example Nuxvomica

or sulphur can be of use for several diseases. For diarrhea there may scores of

medicines. In an emergency where time is life saving the comprehensive totality

of symptoms is difficult to elicit nor advisable.

Secondly. the majority of the medicines were proved when the body and soul of

humans was less corrupted., There was then less pollution. Due to usage of synthetic and unnatural products, harmful affluent from chemical and nuclear productions., indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides gradual heating of the globe the original proving may not be wholly relevant and require revision to

find how far the symptoms produced on healthy man by consuming these drugs today differ

from those one and half centuries back

Thirdly the authenticity of the drugs preparation and their delivery to the retail market

seem to warrant scrutiny. as the potencies are in different scales .and denominations.

There seems to be lesser efforts towards research as the system could not attract

financial support as compared to the main system. Consequently there is an attempt

to modernize the system by preparation of mixtures ,ointments and lotions ,with the

hope that at least one of them may work. This may not perhaps the thought of the

pioneers of the system..

When there is grave threat to life as in a heart attack ,brain attack, kidney failure, where

the stage of patient is critical, it is but natural and advisable that modern lifesaving

systems and support are not ignored

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