Monday, October 24, 2011


Homeopathy was born ,when the methods of cure,such as applying leeches to remove "impure"

blood,inducing vomiting and purging were more troublesome than the actual Malady DR Hahnneman

who was born in Germany on 10th April ,1755   a felt the need for a complete and gentle

treatment instead of crude decoctions and lotions directed  mainly against the temporary                             

suppression of symptoms that was in vogue    generally, during his times.The basic assumption

of his proposition is " similia similibus curentor"which means medicines that produce  symptoms in a healthy
individual also cure the same symptoms in a person with a

medicines cure like diseases.The system underlines the importance of curing the patient rather

than the manifestations or outward symptoms.The condition as a whole,the persons attitudes

his likes and dislikes,his responses to climatic conditions,movement,ameliorations and aggravations  in times 
the day ,temperament towards the people around him  are all take into

account to select a remedy.Medicines are not simply tagged with any  particular disease like

in other systems.Thus a particular drug may cure different diseases based on the totality of the

symptoms.For e.g. Diarrhoea may have dozens of drugs while a drug like sulphur can cure  a number of
complaints.The salient features are:

There is vital or dynamic force within the body to fight against disease, which is to be activated
Man is susceptible  to disease  due to certain miasma.
1  curing of patient  based on totality of symptoms including mental symptoms

2  preparation of medicines with least toxic affects  by continuous purification  and succussion
The more  the    medicine is diluted     ,the more succussion    done, the medicine becomes
more potent.In higher potencies the drug content is less

3   Drugs are tested on healthy individuals   and the symptoms are noted .The system  postulates
that the remedies producing opposite effects do not cure but only suppress the malaise where
as  the drugs producing similar symptoms cures the patient

4 Selecting a single remedy and single dose preferably.
5 Medicines are administered in the shape of globules ,tablets ,tinctures and powders
6selection of potency  based on the stage of disease,state of patient and stress on mental


7  watching  aggravations and ameliorations ,before second dose or second remedy




Monday, October 11, 2010



Haemorrhoids (piles) may be internal or external region
anus and may be bleeding or non bleeding(blind).Causes
may be constipation,liver and heart problems drinking
sitting constantly in cushions

Often diahrroea,loin ache,protrusion of
piles during stools,for people with
irregular habits and lack of physical
exercise Nuxvomica 30

Frequent but ineffective urge for stools
obstinate constipation,hard and bloody
stools,burning in anus Sulpher 30

Piles resembling onions or nose Lachesis30 Sepia 30

Sense of stick in the anus,back ache Athusa 3

Constipation,with pain in urethra Collinsinia 2x,
piles bleed incessantly,feelng of stick
in rectum

Stool like white of an egg Antim Crude 6

Large knotty stools evacuated with
pain Graphites 6
Profuse bleeding piles ,excessive soreness Hamamelis 2x

Daihrria cutting pain,strain and
dirty blood with stools ,piles like grape Aloe 6
relief on washing with cold water

congested liver with clay coloured Phosphorous 6.Sulphur 30
Early stages Aconite3
Burning and smarting p
Hard piles,cutting and unbearable pin in utethra
and bladder,stool with mucus and black blood Capsicum6

Chronic stage Sulphur 30 morning
Nux vomica 30 evening

Backpain ,splinter like pain,stool AesculusHippocast 6-30
hard and dry ,arising out of portal
congestion ,chronic constipation
bleeding little,blind piles,burning
and puplish

Severe pain during and after stool
great prostratin,heavy bleeding,
prolapse of piles Nitric Acid 30-200

Severe pain in urethra lasting for hours Ratanhia 6-30

Stools comes after much strain and recedes
back Silesia 6-30

Bluish piles with burning,itch,pus formatin
and fetid Carboveg 30

Internal piles,painful while sitting and lying
relief when walking,coming out durng stools Ignatia 30

Piles that do not mature,remaing hard bluish lumps Lycopodium 30-200


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quick fix remedies

As mentioned earlier tagging drugs to particular disease name was alien to homeopathic philosophy. as the drugs depend

on various mental.physical conditions aggravations

and ameliorations,,postures,and sensivities..But as there are a plethora of medicines,

Some physicians, based on their practical experience tried to broadly link major drugs

with some disease names.some instanneces are

Threatened abortion . caulophyllum,viburnum

Acidity calcaria., Sulph.acid ,nuxvomica

Adinoid agraphis, calc,iodium

Ague natrum.mur , china, cedron

Albuminaria kalmia, mercor

ALOPECIA Flouric acid ,pix.liquida

Amennorhia puls,graphites,natrummur

Anorexia nux,hydrastis, china

Appendicitis echin belladonna,lache

Aphonia alumin,.arg.met ,nitric acid ,causticum ,spongia, aurum

Arthritis arbut ,sulph,bryonia,elater

Ascites acet,acid,apocynum,apis,ars,dig

Astigmatism (myopic) liliu m

Back ache oxalic.acid , aesc,rhus pulse,kalicarb,cimicifuga,antimtart

Balantis merc

Barbers itch sulph.,iod,thuja

Beriberi elater, rhus,ars

Boils bellis,calc.pic,ferrum.iod,bell,sil,,hepar,

Brainfag anhalonoem,zinc,anacardium

Bed sores flour acid, arnica sulph.acid

Burns cantharis ,urtica,,picric acid

carsickness cocculus

chickenpox rhus, kalimur tart ,e

cholera camphor,verat,ars,cupram

colic chamomilla,mag,phos,dioscorea,plumbum

colic renal eryingium,pareira-brava

color blindness benzin,carb,sulph

coma opium,pilocarp,bell

conjectivitis aconite,pulseuphrasia

corns antimcrude ,graphites,silesia

constipation opium, hydrastis alumina magmur nuxvom magphos su[phur

cough dry alum,bell,mentha , rumex, spongia ,sticta

loose kalisulph,tarte ,ipicoc stilla,stannum

spasmodic corallium,drocera ,mephitis, cuprum, coccus. c

cracked lips graphites, natmur

cataract cineraria,calcarea flour, phosph,plantanus

Dandruff kalisulph,arsenic lycopodium badiaga

Deafness calendula, hydrastis ,graphites

Dentition bell, calcarea, phos, tereb, chamomilla

Drooling trifolium, mercury

Diarrhoea camph, china, puls, natrumsulph , podophyllum

Diplopia bell, gelsimium

Dropsy apis ,apocy.can cahinka ,ars

Dyspepsia nux, hydrastis graphites, petrol

Dysuria apis, cantharis, tritic fabian

Earache bell, chamomilla, mullen

Ecchymosis aethusa, arnica, rhus, sulphacid

Elephantasis arsenic, hydrocotilel

Epistaxis ambrose, ipecoc, hammaelis, ferrumphos ,nitric acid

Fibroid cal..iod

Fissures ledum, graphites, petrol

Fistula folic.acid, nitric.acid, silesia

Freckles badiaga, sepia

Gall stones china, calcarea , berberis, calculus 6-10x trit

Gastric ulcer argentinum.nit arse kalibichrome uran.nit

Gastritis ars nux,oxalic acid phos.hydrastis

Haemorrhids aesc hip, flouricacid, aloe , nitric acid, hamamalis, nux ,mur.acid

Home sickness capsicum ignatia

Hookworm chenopad, thymal

Housemaid knee sticta, slag

Impetego ars, tart.e ,mazerium

Leucoderma ars sulphuricum drosera selenium manganese arg.nit

Malaria alstonia china, cornus-circinata

Mania bell,hysco,stramonium lachesis ignatia

Menieres syndrome chenopod , pilocarp.mur silesia

Miscarriage threat syphilinnum bacillum sabina viburn.op

Morning sickness amygdaluspersica nux ipecac cocculus

Nipples ulcerated castor.eq eupatorim.aromat, ratanh

Obesity amm.bro calcarea phytolacca thyroid

Oedema apis ars dig

Orchitis puls bell rhodendron spongia aurum

Pellagra bovista

Polio lathirus kaliphos

Polyuria arg .phos.acid murex squilla uran

Prostractic hyper trophy ferr.pic thuja

Prostatis merc dulcamera sabal thuja tritic staphi

Pyrrohea emetin, staphis , plantiago

Ringworm sepia, arsenic ,bacillin

Sciatica viscum ,colocynth,rhus

Sclerocis aur.mur

Sleepless ness coff,gelsimium,ignatia,opium,cimicifuga,hyscomus

Somnambulism kaliphos ,kalibrom

Snake poison antdote golondrina ,ced, gymnema,gauco

Tape worm felix,cina

Tobacco craving

Urticaria antimcrude,apis,antipyr,astacus fluv,nat.mur

Vertigo daph.ind gels,conium,phos,cocculus

Warts antimcrude,causticum,nitricacid,thuja,salicy.acid

Whooping cough drosera,castaniavesica,pertuss,cuprum,magphos

Worms cal,cina,santnine,spigelia, teucrium


Writers cramp arg.met,sulph.acid


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Potencies in Homeopathy
Homeopathic drugs ard not administerd in crude form,but refined
and energised by potentization.Potentizatin means the dilution of
drug by adding and mixing a specific minute quantity with a specific
quantity of diluent vehicle which is non medicinal such as water
or alchohol. This mixture is vigorously shaken, or succussed
in liquid medium.If it is solid it is rubbed down or triturated
with a definite quantity of sugar of milk as the inert diluent
The purpose of vigourous shaking or rubbing is to bring the
inherent power of the medicine.

The selection of potency is as important as selection of remedy
The scales s of potentization are
Decimal 1:10 medicine;diluent X
Centicimal 1:100 cH Or c
50 Mill 1:50,000 LM
Decillionth 1:1followed by 60zeros XXX

Low potencies mother tincture,1,3,6
Medium 12,30
medium high 100,200,500
High potency 1000,(1M)
Higher 10,000(10M)
The potencies of 200 and above are considered high by some physicians

The selection of potency depends on the state of patient and
the physician gains by experience the selection of a particular
potency to a particular patient .some guide lines are
1 Low potencies are given when the patients suffer from
acute diseases of superficilal nature,when charectiristic
general symptoms are absent and only pathological symptoms
are present.For e.g.Arsenic Alb in influenza,Baptesia in
Low potencies are given if the patients are not sesitive
or intellectually not well develped
High potencies are given for highly sensitive, and developed

6,12,30 in acute cases and 30,200,1M IN Chronic cases.

2 High potencies are given in Chronic cases or acute cases
if the keynote general or charecterisic general symptoms
are present

3 When the patient is in critical and his bodys resistence
is at lowest ebb, low potencies 6,12 etc are called for
as his body cannot withstand high potencies

4 To bring out the latent diseases,High potencies like 1M toCM
have to be employed
5 The lower potencies are more safe, except in the case of
some drugs like Apis which in pregnancy in low and repeated doses
produce abortion.Apocynum cannabinum produces vomiting and
collapse in sensitive patients in low potencies.ArsenicumAlb
and some other drugs in low potencies require caution
Bryonia 3-6 works well in diarrhea,while in constipation
Bryonia 30 And Above WORK Well

6 Incurable diseases require low metaboic disorders
like diabates,heart lesions call for lower potencies

7 Indiscriminate use of highpotencies,with repeated doses does
more harm than should be taken to avoid certain drugs
like sulphur and silica in high potencies when structural
changes hve taken place in vital organs
8 In accute diarrhea and vomiting low potecies are preferable
9 High potencies are not recommended on the eve or during of a crises
10 When a particular organ seems to be the causative factor as in infective
hepatitis,jaundice where we do not find the prominent pathological
or physical symptoms and where drugs have special affinity to an organ
potencies in material or low doses are to be given
11 If the nervous weekness is more than the physica weekness
lower potencies have to be used
12 Lower potencies are better in diseases of liver mucus membrane
of lungs.
13 Neurological cases call for high potency
mental diseases,high potencies are to be used while in
pathalogical disorders low potencies work well

14 The action of the same medicne will be different in different
MercSol, Hepar sulph, silica in lower potencies help suppuration
While in higher potencies,eliminate the pus formation
3AND 6th potency of Antim tart hardens cough 2x loosens
15 In skin diseases like scabies.eczema,itch and urticaria low
potencies are better
16 Digesive problems, nutrient dificiencies ,orthopaedic,rhematic problems
drugs such as Calcium phosphoricum,sodium and potassium salts and other
biochemical tissue remedies act well in low potencies
17 High potencies are considered
When the disease is functional rather than organic organic
when the remedy is deep acting
when the picture of the disease is confused by drug abuse
In all diseases of nervous system
When the correctly selected remedy fails in low potencies
When the present state of polluted atmosphere impairs
the use of the medicne in low potencies.

18 Camphor should be used in mother tincture,

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In recent times the efficacy of Homeopathic drugs ,as a preventive or weakening of certain viral diseases has been noticed. The simple logic was that these drugs reinforce the resistance of the body and prepare it for combating the disease. like vaccines. Some were actually prepared like varilaneum from smallpox pustules,Tuberculium and influenginum from affected diseased tissues. Based on disease symptoms, the drug manifesting ,similar symptoms is selected

some of the preventive or deflating drugs used are

chickenpox Pulsatilla200 kalimur

Measles Morbilinium, , Pulsatilla

smallpox variaolinum

chikungunya Eupatorium perf

Dengue fever Eup per,Echinecia

Tetanus Ledum

Rabies Hydrophobinum

sunstroke Glonin

Abortion (threatened) Aletrisfarinosa, sabina

Brain fever Belladonna

cataract Sebalserruluta

chickenpox Pulsatilla200 Kalimurchikungunya

chickengunia Eupperf

cholera Cuprummet 200,Camphor

conjunctivitis Pulsatilla, Euphrates

Dengue fever Eup .per,,Echinecia

Mumps Paratodinum 200

Pre operation Arnicamont, Staphys

antiseptic ,pain reliever

Guard against sunstroke Glonoine

Examination funk Anacardium

Travel sickness Belladonna200 ,Borax,Petroleum

Tuberculinum tendency in family for tuberculosis

scarlet fever Belladonna 200

smoking Nuxvomica, caladium

stage fear Argentinum.nit

Typhoid Typhoidinum 200

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Limitations of Homeopathy

As in any system Homeopathy also has its own limitations.

Unlike in other systems Homeopathy aims at the totality of symptoms

including mental, responses to posture,temperature,sensations,relief and

aggravations to various stimuli and the drugs are selected based on the

comprehensive picture and not to a particular branded disease, Selection of

medicine is a great challenge to the physician., testing the patience of both the

doctor and patient. Drugs are not branded with a particular titled disease and

any of the several drugs can cure a particular discomfort. For example Nuxvomica

or sulphur can be of use for several diseases. For diarrhea there may scores of

medicines. In an emergency where time is life saving the comprehensive totality

of symptoms is difficult to elicit nor advisable.

Secondly. the majority of the medicines were proved when the body and soul of

humans was less corrupted., There was then less pollution. Due to usage of synthetic and unnatural products, harmful affluent from chemical and nuclear productions., indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides gradual heating of the globe the original proving may not be wholly relevant and require revision to

find how far the symptoms produced on healthy man by consuming these drugs today differ

from those one and half centuries back

Thirdly the authenticity of the drugs preparation and their delivery to the retail market

seem to warrant scrutiny. as the potencies are in different scales .and denominations.

There seems to be lesser efforts towards research as the system could not attract

financial support as compared to the main system. Consequently there is an attempt

to modernize the system by preparation of mixtures ,ointments and lotions ,with the

hope that at least one of them may work. This may not perhaps the thought of the

pioneers of the system..

When there is grave threat to life as in a heart attack ,brain attack, kidney failure, where

the stage of patient is critical, it is but natural and advisable that modern lifesaving

systems and support are not ignored

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Haemorrhoids (piles) may be internal or external region
anus and may be bleeding or non bleeding(blind).Causes
may be constipation,liver and heart problems drinking
sitting constantly in cushions

Often diahrroea,loin ache,protrusion of
piles during stools,for people with
irregular habits and lack of physical
exercise Nuxvomica 30

Frequent but ineffective urge for stools
obstinate constipation,hard and bloody
stools,burning in anus Sulpher 30

Piles resembling onions or nose Lachesis30 Sepia 30

Sense of stick in the anus,back ache Athusa 3

Constipation,with pain in urethra Collinsinia 2x,
piles bleed incessantly,feelng of stick
in rectum

Stool like white of an egg Antim Crude 6

Large knotty stools evacuated with
pain Graphites 6
Profuse bleeding piles ,excessive soreness Hamamelis 2x

Daihrria cutting pain,strain and
dirty blood with stools ,piles like grape Aloe 6
relief on washing with cold water

congested liver with clay coloured Phosphorous 6.Sulphur 30
Early stages Aconite3
Burning and smarting p
Hard piles,cutting and unbearable pin in utethra
and bladder,stool with mucus and black blood Capsicum6

Chronic stage Sulphur 30 morning
Nux vomica 30 evening

Backpain ,splinter like pain,stool AesculusHippocast 6-30
hard and dry ,arising out of portal
congestion ,chronic constipation
bleeding little,blind piles,burning
and puplish

Severe pain during and after stool
great prostratin,heavy bleeding,
prolapse of piles Nitric Acid 30-200

Severe pain in urethra lasting for hours Ratanhia 6-30

Stools comes after much strain and recedes
back Silesia 6-30

Bluish piles with burning,itch,pus formatin
and fetid Carboveg 30

Internal piles,painful while sitting and lying
relief when walking,coming out durng stools Ignatia 30

Piles that do not mature,remaing hard bluish lumps Lycopodium 30-200


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