Monday, October 11, 2010


Potencies in Homeopathy
Homeopathic drugs ard not administerd in crude form,but refined
and energised by potentization.Potentizatin means the dilution of
drug by adding and mixing a specific minute quantity with a specific
quantity of diluent vehicle which is non medicinal such as water
or alchohol. This mixture is vigorously shaken, or succussed
in liquid medium.If it is solid it is rubbed down or triturated
with a definite quantity of sugar of milk as the inert diluent
The purpose of vigourous shaking or rubbing is to bring the
inherent power of the medicine.

The selection of potency is as important as selection of remedy
The scales s of potentization are
Decimal 1:10 medicine;diluent X
Centicimal 1:100 cH Or c
50 Mill 1:50,000 LM
Decillionth 1:1followed by 60zeros XXX

Low potencies mother tincture,1,3,6
Medium 12,30
medium high 100,200,500
High potency 1000,(1M)
Higher 10,000(10M)
The potencies of 200 and above are considered high by some physicians

The selection of potency depends on the state of patient and
the physician gains by experience the selection of a particular
potency to a particular patient .some guide lines are
1 Low potencies are given when the patients suffer from
acute diseases of superficilal nature,when charectiristic
general symptoms are absent and only pathological symptoms
are present.For e.g.Arsenic Alb in influenza,Baptesia in
Low potencies are given if the patients are not sesitive
or intellectually not well develped
High potencies are given for highly sensitive, and developed

6,12,30 in acute cases and 30,200,1M IN Chronic cases.

2 High potencies are given in Chronic cases or acute cases
if the keynote general or charecterisic general symptoms
are present

3 When the patient is in critical and his bodys resistence
is at lowest ebb, low potencies 6,12 etc are called for
as his body cannot withstand high potencies

4 To bring out the latent diseases,High potencies like 1M toCM
have to be employed
5 The lower potencies are more safe, except in the case of
some drugs like Apis which in pregnancy in low and repeated doses
produce abortion.Apocynum cannabinum produces vomiting and
collapse in sensitive patients in low potencies.ArsenicumAlb
and some other drugs in low potencies require caution
Bryonia 3-6 works well in diarrhea,while in constipation
Bryonia 30 And Above WORK Well

6 Incurable diseases require low metaboic disorders
like diabates,heart lesions call for lower potencies

7 Indiscriminate use of highpotencies,with repeated doses does
more harm than should be taken to avoid certain drugs
like sulphur and silica in high potencies when structural
changes hve taken place in vital organs
8 In accute diarrhea and vomiting low potecies are preferable
9 High potencies are not recommended on the eve or during of a crises
10 When a particular organ seems to be the causative factor as in infective
hepatitis,jaundice where we do not find the prominent pathological
or physical symptoms and where drugs have special affinity to an organ
potencies in material or low doses are to be given
11 If the nervous weekness is more than the physica weekness
lower potencies have to be used
12 Lower potencies are better in diseases of liver mucus membrane
of lungs.
13 Neurological cases call for high potency
mental diseases,high potencies are to be used while in
pathalogical disorders low potencies work well

14 The action of the same medicne will be different in different
MercSol, Hepar sulph, silica in lower potencies help suppuration
While in higher potencies,eliminate the pus formation
3AND 6th potency of Antim tart hardens cough 2x loosens
15 In skin diseases like scabies.eczema,itch and urticaria low
potencies are better
16 Digesive problems, nutrient dificiencies ,orthopaedic,rhematic problems
drugs such as Calcium phosphoricum,sodium and potassium salts and other
biochemical tissue remedies act well in low potencies
17 High potencies are considered
When the disease is functional rather than organic organic
when the remedy is deep acting
when the picture of the disease is confused by drug abuse
In all diseases of nervous system
When the correctly selected remedy fails in low potencies
When the present state of polluted atmosphere impairs
the use of the medicne in low potencies.

18 Camphor should be used in mother tincture,

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