Monday, October 11, 2010




Gouty and rheumatic patients,griping
pains forcing the patient to bend double
or press something hard in the abdomen Colocynth

colic caused by flatus undigested food

Painful distension of abdomen and constipation
forcing the patient to bend double must walk
for relief,cold sweat Veratrum album
Pain around umbilical region ,continuous and
constant associated with great intensity flatulent
spasms relived by stretching the body out rather
than bending double bilious rheumatic
Gall stones,dyspepsia Dioscorea
Haemorrhoidal colic, or colic from accumulated
flatus,deep seated hypo gastric pain,pain from
indigestion or abuse of brandy or coffee Nuxvomica

Women and children,hot cheeks,red face perspiration
preceding an intestinal catarrh .Complete atony
of digestive system,abdomen like a drum and seems
to burst Chamomilla

Griping colic crushing intestines cutting pains
across abdomen shooting from left to right
after acidic or un ripe fruit ,worse by motion
and better by rest Ipicac

Worse at night flatulence not giving relief after discharge
pain in right hypochondria worse bending forward
worse bending forward Cocculusflatulencel
pain radiating on all directions,cramps in
legs,constipation but no flatulence, abdomen is like
a stone feeling as if the abdomen is pulled to back
by a string Plumbum
Abuse of purgatives, with other characteristic
symptoms like lazy habits sedentary living Nuxvomica
ineffectual urging to Stool .Absence of urge

After abuse of purgatives with the characteristic symptom
of sinking,gone feeling at the epigastrium Hydrastis

Ineffectual urging heat and discomfort,a bad constitution
piles,frequent ill health,stools dark dry expelled with much strain
constipation altering with diarrhea with general characteristic
symptoms Sulphur

Absolute inaction of the intestines Absence of urge to stools

resulting in feces being impacted in the bowels and when passed Alumina
come as little dry balls,even soft stool is passed with difficult

Large hard dry stool as if burnt there is no urge
stools are passed with difficulty,where muscular atony
with intestinal inaction acts well in rheumatic subjects Bryonia
in summer and children

Stitches in rectum ineffectual urge,crumbly stools
passed with great difficulty as hard lumps like sheep
dung Natrum Mur
Left behind feeling,constriction of rectum,hemorrhoids
rectum constricts and stools retract stools are hard
and next part soft,rumbling in abdomen Lycopodium
No urge,patient goes without stools for days together
stools little balls knotted together with shreds of mucus Graphites
fissures in anus sadness and obesity
Ineffectual urge stools glued to rectum constipation
in travelers,where constipation is due change in life


Patient is irascible,mental over work,sedentary
habits. High living and dissipation.Patient is drowsy
and stupid in the evening,miserable in the morning
dull frontal headache.The disturbances do not com
immediately after food but after half an hour after
Dinner nausea putrid metallic taste in mouth symptoms Nuxvomica
aggravated in the morning

Putrid variety of dyspepsia,digestion slow and imperfect
heaviness in stomach and intestines,faint gone sensation
in the pit of the stomach not relieved by eating,flatulence
in stomach(in intestines -Lycopodium).Symptoms worse
after eating fish,fat,ice cream,oysters,vinegar or cabbage CarboVeg

Dyspepsia of old people.,burning, and aggravation during
evening 4pm-6pmTendency is towards diarrhoea(constipation
for Lycopodium)
Loss of animal fluids,painful distension not relieved by belching China
only momentarily relieved by belching,boiled egg sensation as if food lodged behind
oesophagus behind the sternum

Chronic congestion of stomach,liver and gouty patients,Hypochondriacs Lycopodium
goes to dining table with great appetite but leaves quickly
satiated after few morsels of food,distress starts immediately after food
atonic and acid forms of dyspepsia, feels sleepy after meals,accumu
lation of gas in stomach and intestines,especially in the colon ,desire for
sweets evening aggravation

Dryness of mouth putrid taste in the morning,craving for lemonades Pulsatilla
flatulence moves about causing pain on chest relieved by belching

feeling of weight in the stomach relieved by eating. Dyspepsias
caused by fatty foods pastry ,pork.Headaches supra orbital worse
in evening accompany the gastric complaints The patient is despondent
and lachrymose
Sinking feeling coming two hours after eating,great relief after eating Anacardium
dull pain extending to stomach,patient hypochondriac,confusion
loss of memory,hungry most of the time

Bitter or sour taste,putrid eructation's ,ravenous desire for sweets Sulphur

craving for alcohol and milk which make him sick ,patient is hungry
canine hunger can hardly wait for food ,but aversion to meat "Drinks
much eats little"hot flashes,hot head and cold feet,aversion to bath
early morning diarrhea cat nap like sleep

Irritative dyspepsias of broken down constitutions,stomach
irritation pains of burning nature ,nausea stomach sore and Arsenicum
sensitive,pain immediately after taking food,tongue is clean
pointed and red remedy for ptomaine poisoning after eating
tainted food ,beer fruits

sour raising's,catarrh of stomach with mucus ,tongue clean
on sides and tip but yellow down the center loss of appetite
involvement of liver,constipation dull ache Hydrastis

Enormous flatulence,violent belching giving relief gnawing
ulcerative pain,gastric ulcers,emotional stress menstrual
problems loss of sleep,Longing for sugar ,difficulty in belching

During cutting of teeth in children,milky or curd like vomit

Over eating, craving for sour things,pickles,much flatulence
summer diarrheas tongue coated white Antim crude

Even smell or sight of food,fish eggs brings about nausea and vomit Colchicum
lack of sleep
Bad effects of beer,stringy froth blood vomiting


Profuse watery discharges coming out with great force Croton tiglium

motions after eating any thing ,teething time diarrhea Podophyllum

pain in the naval ,pressing relieves watery diarrhea
alternating with DYSENTERY Colocynth

DYSENTERY with pus and mucus,pain before motion Merc sol
ineffectual urge,pain in urethra after motion

involuntary motion in nights,ineffectual urge Rhustox

Dark and bloody stools,pain while urinating Capsicum

Must run to stools after waking,dry mouth stitching
pains in abdomen,dry mouth,stools with mucus
rumbling sound in abdomen ,yellow fetid stools

sour smell in sweat and tools Rheum

Summer diarrheas,due to drinking cold water Bryonia

Copious rice water like stools passed with much noise
Cramps in legs cold sweat,pulse weak Veratrum

Grass green frothy mucus stools offensive and bloody
persistent nausea worse at night stools like fermented Ipecac 6-30

Eating rich food Pulsatilla 6,Nuxvomica 6,Antim crude 6,Ipecac
contaminated water or eating jack fruit Chamomilla 12
inhaling foul air Baptisia3x,Arsenicum
Eating ice cream Arsenic alb 6,carbo veg 6
Exposure to cold in winter spt camphor,Aconite 3x,Bryonia 6
Mental excitement Ignatia6 chamomilla 6 Veratrum alb6
Diarrhea of pregnancy or after delivery Antin crude 6,china


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