Monday, October 11, 2010


Homeopathic system include certain medicines required in emergencies.

BURNS These medicines should be used after taking recognised first aid
methods and after assessing the condition of the patient
Cantharis 2x-6x to be applied locally and orally cantharis 12x-30
If pus forms Heparsulph internally and application of calendula
if part mortifies : Silesia or sulphur 30 potency

Bleeding or Hemorrhage :After taking the normal first aid practices
if arterial bleeding Arnica 3x internally and Calendula tincture
applied locally
if venous Hamamelis 3x internally and apply its tincture
Epistaxi s(nose bleed) Ferrum Iodide or Milli folium tincture is to
be given.IF Large clots come out Hamemalis1x
internally.If due to anaemia or debility China30
due to Sudden stoppage of menses :pulsatilla
podophyllum 6,Hamemalis.If accompanied by
throbbing head ache Belladonna
BRUISES Black and blue Arnica lotion to be appiled
Punctured wound Hypericum 3 internally
Lacerated wounds Staphysagaria 30
Bone injuries After setting the bones right symphatum 1x
Gunshot wound s Aconite 3x Ferrum phos 1x after preliminary first aid
Hypericum to prevent Tetanus
Bee sting Clean the wound .Apply calendula and internally Apis6
Rat bite Ledum 6
Angina Pectoris
In acute cases Amyl Nitrate given by olfaction of crude substance
face flushed,feeling of band around the head,constriction
about the heart and oppressed breathing
Glonine(nitroglycerin) Throbbing all over body in every
vessel,feeling of fullness in the heart,radiating pain from
heart and laboured breathing
Cratagus :Sudden terrible pain in left breast radiating
from heart down left arm,difficulty in breathing
Cimicifuga:pains radiating and feeling as if the left arm was
bound to the side
Spigelia :sub sternal pain radiating to neck and arms pulse
weak and irregular,sharp stitches and tendency of syncope
Ars 6-30 :weak and irregular pulse,face dusky,sunken eyes
fear of death
Acid Hydro 3 ;frequent palpitation ,fainting,restlessness
Cactus1x :spasms of heart muscles feeling of heart being
under iron grip
Phytolacca : if pain radiates to right hand
SYNCOPE Glonine 30
Aconite 30 opium 30Secale if due to fear
Arsenic alb :Body becoming cold,sweat extreme weakness
dry mouth,restlessness
China ammonium carb :Due to heavy loss of blood
NuxMoxeta ,Digitalis :Due to heart problem

Carbo veg :Last stages,exhaled breath is cold,pulse is thready
body getting cold,cold sweat from ankles to feet,bluish tint,feeling
of suffocation
Camphor: Body is cold but aversion to get covered,face bluish
NuxVomica :from odours,in the morning, after eating
surgical shock Veratrumalbum sudden prostration,cold sweat,cold body,pallor
distorted features,breathing shallow.potency above 3x
Camphora: breath cold,pulse rapid,tongue and lips tremble cyonised
Opium ;Complete stupor loud breathing,blue livid face

The medicines have to be taken according to the state of patient The above lines are taken
from authentic texts
and under expert supervision .The author bears no responsibility
for any mishaps See authors Introduction to Homeopathy and Mental sympto

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