Monday, October 11, 2010




Unlike in other systems of medicine, Homeopathic system takes the totality

Of symptoms not only those labeled with a particular disease. The total

Overview of the state of patient, his sensations, feelings, amelioration’s and

aggravations, Mental symptoms are assessed, to select the correct remedy

as there is no specific remedy associated with a disease name, Remedies are

associated ,with total picture including those of mind. Some peculiar sensations

and feelings are special with some remedies and these make the selection

easy for theHomeopath. Some drugs have affinity for the sides of body left or right

or the time of the day, morning or evening.and climatic conditions like summer or

Sensations REMEDIES

a cloud enveloping her fear of riding in

a closed carriage, vision of rats ACTEA RACEMOZA

(Black snake root)

Child cross does not want to be touched

Wants many but rejects all CINKHONAOFFICNALS

Melancholy, bashful, delights solitude


Capricious, cannot bear contradiction

Speaks hastily, anxious about health of others COCCULUS (Indian cockle)

Vacillating sings and laughs and suddenly angry CROCUS SATIVA (saffron)

Fixed ideas uses word not intended sensation CUPRUM MET (copper)

as if water poured over head

Children impudent laughing at reprimands GRAPHITES (black lead)

8 Contradictory symptoms remedy

, Music relieves roaring in ears

Piles better when walking, sore

Throat better when

Swallowing, fits of laughter

after grief, sexual desire IGNATIA

With impotency, thirst during (st.ignatius) bean)


9. Ravenous hunger, eats well yet loses flesh all IODIUM (iodine)

the time


10 Left sided remedy diseases begin left LACHESIS

Side and go to right side,: all symptoms (ophidia)

Worse after sleep.

11 Very forgetful, makes purchases but goes

Without them, misses many words in writing

Cannot concentrate LAC CANINUM

(Dogs milk)

12 Persons intellectually keen but physically

Weak .Ailments from left to right, worse in LYCOPODIUM

Evening, feeling of incompetence, dread of

Appearing in public. Sensitive, even cries when


13 mental enfeeblement, doesn’t answer but stares PHOSPHOROUS

at the questioner, says don’t talk to me let me be

alone, dejected, hypochondriac

14 Arrogant and haughty overestimation of self

Imagines her body is large, she is of superior race PLATINUM

15 Dreads to be washed, worse in open air

Overwhelming sadness, soft stool passed with

Difficulty, sensitive to cold yet skin is worse from

Heat wears fur cap during summer PSORINUM

16 A good remedy for women.tearful, mild, gentle PULSATILLA

Worse in warm room perspiration on one side,

One sided head aches and complaints

17 gouty patients, rheumatic pains aggravated

During rest and storms, he can always foretell


18 Suited to tall women with narrow pelvis

and lax fibres, lack of ability to feel natural

Love “I know I ought to love my husband and

Children, but now I have no feeling” sallow

Complexion, aversion to opposite sex, amelioration’s SEPIA

from violent exercise.

19 Dread of failure in public by professionals, lawyers SILICA

Clergymen worn out by prolonged mental work

20 Great indignation about things done by others

Or by himself, pent up anger, suppressed indignation STAPHISAGARIA

21 Great upheaval of mind, tumultuous strange ideas

about his body being elongated, sees animals ghosts

and knows they are not True STRAMONIUM

22 Angular, lean, lanky, shriveled and dirty looking the

“Raged philosopher”The sulfur scholar, philosopher SULPHER

Works day and night in thread bare cloths, battered hat

Unkempt hair, his study is untidy nonchalant about

how things look, wears a shirt for days

Problems, wants even temperature, Philosophic mania,

Indisposed towards business or work

23 fixed ideas, she thinks she is delicate, made of glass THUJA

And she will break, grumbling pain ovaries, irritability

Thinks she is pregnant feel an animal in her bowels

Feels a child’s arm, or thinks some one is

following her


To be alone Laccaninum, kalicarb,,sepia

Of death Aconite,Asenic, Acid nitric, Rhustox Spigelia Spongia

Of ghosts Carboveg,Arseni.Causticum, Phosphorous Pulsatilla

Of becoming insane Lilium tigrinum

Of night Rhus tox

Of falling down Borax, Gelsemium

Of examinations Anacardium, Antim crude

Of being poisoned Rhus- Tox

Of crowd and people Natrum sulf,Aconite, Aurum Barytacarb

Of storm and thunder Rhodendron Borax, Natrum carb ,silica

Of heart ceasing beating Gelsemium

Of future Spongia

Of rain Naja

Of dogs T ubericulinum

Of opposite sex Staphisagaria .Sepia

Of water stramonium,Bell, Cantheris, lysineStramonium

Of remote consequences Opium, Natrumur,Silica,Phosporic acid

Of stage Anacardium, Argentinum nitricum,Lycopdium

Of downward motion Borax, Gelsemium, Hypericum

Of music Aconite Ambrosia, Bufo, Natrum carb, Nuxvomica


Of crossing streets Aconite Hydrocyanic acid


Imagines away from home

Must get there Bryonia, calcarea phos,cimicifuga,hyoscomus

Bed occupied by another

Person Petroleum

Bed sinking Baptisia, Belladona,and benzine.kalicarb

Being assassinated Kalibromide, plumbem met

Broken to pieces and

Scattered Baptisia, petrol phosphorous,stramonium

Being crushed by houses Argentinum nitricum

Being dead APIS, Lachesis ,moschus

Being double Anacardium, baptisia stramonium thuja, petroleum

Being light spirit like

Hovering in the air hypericum lac- caninum , opium, and rhustox


Being persecuted by enemies Anacardium cinchona cocaine rhustox,

Stramonium, kalibromide

Being possessed of brain in

Stomach Aconite

Having two noses Mercury

Dimensions of things larger Aconite, agaricus,arg.nit,atrop,bovista etc

Smaller platinum

Time passes rapidly Cocculus

Time passes too slowly Alum, ambr,anhal,arg.nit nux.v nux.m

see authors Introduction to Homeo pathy

CAUTION ; medicines have to be taken in proper form email

proper dose,after the medicnes are prepared

as per standard drug administration rules

and regulations and under the supervision of

a qualified physician

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