Monday, October 11, 2010

Homeopathic system has no special aphrodisac remedies , but those

that cure the underlying conditions.There is no substitute for clean

living, but once the disability starts prematurely, Homeopathic remedies

work well provided the causes and the individual symptoms agree

with the charecteristics of the remedy.The medicines used generally

with their associated symptoms are;

Argentinum Nitricum Impulsive ,withered and dried up constitutions, fears of death, fear and anxiety to undertake road or rail journies ,painful coition, shrivelling of genital organs. A peculiar feature is the patient cannot lie on his right side as it brings palpitation

Baryta Carb Main symptom is feeling”' Dwarfishness”Childish behaviour in fully grownup, premature old age, tumours lupus, warts and outward growths

Gelsimium Complete relaxation of muscular system.Muscles will not obey will. Frequent involuntary emissions,cold sweat on the scrotum.Nervous excitementAcomplaint from embracement

Lycopodium Muscular Weekness,but mind well developed, egoistic ,but lack of self confidence,impotence with cold relaxed organs and diminished sexual power.Young men with onanism or sexual excesses ,with desire but cannot

Meddorhenum Nocturnal emissions, and impotency in youngmen who had gonorrhea several times.Induration of testis and pain in speromatic cards. Great heat and soreness

NatrumCarbonicum Mentally depressed ,especially after a meal,a state of trepedaton from slightest noise,the slam of a door aversion to open air ,mental or physical exertion, Incomplete coition,erections week

Phosphorous Powerful sexual appetite bordering on mania ,followed by impotence.Anxious and fear of something happening.Prefers cold food and cold drinks

Selenium Excessiive weakness is the guiding symptom Marked mental and physical weekness after prolonged fevers ,sexual excesses,exposure to hot climate,irressistable craving for alchohol indifferent to his surroundings,becomes unfit in business,headache from strong odours,awakes at the same hour and his complaints are worse in the morning

Sulpher When the patient is weak ,suffers from gastric ailments,gets frequent involuntary emissions at night.The guiding symptoms to identify the patient are :Dirty and poor habits,aversion to bath sinking feeling in the stomach at 11am,aversion to milk meat,standing,craving for open air better in dry warm weather,lying on right side and drawing up the affected parts

STAPHYSAGARIA Bad effects of masturbation,great emaciation with

black rings under the eyes.sallow face,peevish,hypochondrical and dwells

on amorous thoughts

Sabal serrulata General and sexual remedy prostatic enlargement.Fearof

going to sleep,languor, apathy

Silesia Burning and soreness of genitals,eruptions on inner surface of thighs

imperfect assimilation,mild and yielding temperment.patient is cold, chilly

hugs the fire prostration of mind and body

Thuja Acts on skin and genito -urinary tracts,formation of warts,inflammation of

prepuce and glans chronic induration of testis,frquent and urgent urge for urination

Prostatic enlargement,Fixed ideas as if a strange person is beside,emotional

sensitiveness,music causes weeping

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