Monday, October 11, 2010



Haemorrhoids (piles) may be internal or external region
anus and may be bleeding or non bleeding(blind).Causes
may be constipation,liver and heart problems drinking
sitting constantly in cushions

Often diahrroea,loin ache,protrusion of
piles during stools,for people with
irregular habits and lack of physical
exercise Nuxvomica 30

Frequent but ineffective urge for stools
obstinate constipation,hard and bloody
stools,burning in anus Sulpher 30

Piles resembling onions or nose Lachesis30 Sepia 30

Sense of stick in the anus,back ache Athusa 3

Constipation,with pain in urethra Collinsinia 2x,
piles bleed incessantly,feelng of stick
in rectum

Stool like white of an egg Antim Crude 6

Large knotty stools evacuated with
pain Graphites 6
Profuse bleeding piles ,excessive soreness Hamamelis 2x

Daihrria cutting pain,strain and
dirty blood with stools ,piles like grape Aloe 6
relief on washing with cold water

congested liver with clay coloured Phosphorous 6.Sulphur 30
Early stages Aconite3
Burning and smarting p
Hard piles,cutting and unbearable pin in utethra
and bladder,stool with mucus and black blood Capsicum6

Chronic stage Sulphur 30 morning
Nux vomica 30 evening

Backpain ,splinter like pain,stool AesculusHippocast 6-30
hard and dry ,arising out of portal
congestion ,chronic constipation
bleeding little,blind piles,burning
and puplish

Severe pain during and after stool
great prostratin,heavy bleeding,
prolapse of piles Nitric Acid 30-200

Severe pain in urethra lasting for hours Ratanhia 6-30

Stools comes after much strain and recedes
back Silesia 6-30

Bluish piles with burning,itch,pus formatin
and fetid Carboveg 30

Internal piles,painful while sitting and lying
relief when walking,coming out durng stools Ignatia 30

Piles that do not mature,remaing hard bluish lumps Lycopodium 30-200


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