Monday, October 24, 2011


Homeopathy was born ,when the methods of cure,such as applying leeches to remove "impure"

blood,inducing vomiting and purging were more troublesome than the actual Malady DR Hahnneman

who was born in Germany on 10th April ,1755   a felt the need for a complete and gentle

treatment instead of crude decoctions and lotions directed  mainly against the temporary                             

suppression of symptoms that was in vogue    generally, during his times.The basic assumption

of his proposition is " similia similibus curentor"which means medicines that produce  symptoms in a healthy
individual also cure the same symptoms in a person with a

medicines cure like diseases.The system underlines the importance of curing the patient rather

than the manifestations or outward symptoms.The condition as a whole,the persons attitudes

his likes and dislikes,his responses to climatic conditions,movement,ameliorations and aggravations  in times 
the day ,temperament towards the people around him  are all take into

account to select a remedy.Medicines are not simply tagged with any  particular disease like

in other systems.Thus a particular drug may cure different diseases based on the totality of the

symptoms.For e.g. Diarrhoea may have dozens of drugs while a drug like sulphur can cure  a number of
complaints.The salient features are:

There is vital or dynamic force within the body to fight against disease, which is to be activated
Man is susceptible  to disease  due to certain miasma.
1  curing of patient  based on totality of symptoms including mental symptoms

2  preparation of medicines with least toxic affects  by continuous purification  and succussion
The more  the    medicine is diluted     ,the more succussion    done, the medicine becomes
more potent.In higher potencies the drug content is less

3   Drugs are tested on healthy individuals   and the symptoms are noted .The system  postulates
that the remedies producing opposite effects do not cure but only suppress the malaise where
as  the drugs producing similar symptoms cures the patient

4 Selecting a single remedy and single dose preferably.
5 Medicines are administered in the shape of globules ,tablets ,tinctures and powders
6selection of potency  based on the stage of disease,state of patient and stress on mental


7  watching  aggravations and ameliorations ,before second dose or second remedy




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