Skin troubles due to :
Exposure to extreme cold Belles Perennis perennis 3x
Rains or damp weather Dulcamera 6
Injuries Arnica 30
Itching with out eruptions Dolichos 6
Vesicular eruptions through out the body
itching relieved by scratching but leaving Carbolic Acid 6-30
Skin diseases manifesting in winter great itching
worse when patient is warm or wrapped up
secretions dry up quickly,producing scabs
from beneath from which thick acrid pus oozes Mezerium 30
Useful remedy for skin eruption Spongia 6
Urticaria : skin rashes ,patches Pa pules. Initial stages of fever Aconite 6x
periodical crops,burning pa pules white in middle and red in edges
relief while lying down and aggravation while awake Urtica Urens 3x
Associated with digestive troubles Antim crude,NuxVomica,Pulsatilla
After eating Cabbage Belladonna
With rheumatic pains,sleeplessness Bryonia
Chronic stage ( potency 6) Sulphur,Arsenic Alb,Sulphur Quinine,Natrum
Plump Children,teething troubles, CalecariaCarb 30
Watery pa pules,redness more in hairy places,itching RhusTox 30
relief while moving
Periodical and frequent STREPTOCCUMIN 200
On face and neck red pustules ,itching and burning Arsenic Alb
If the above do not work Skukum chuck 3x
Moist scabby eruptions on the scalp,face,bends
of joints,between fingers and behind ears.corners of mouth
are cracked oozing gluey honey like thick tenacious
discharge,fissured eczema,skin dry and horny Graphites
Vesicular eruptions along the course of the nerves
filled with serum and burn,HerpesZoster Ranunculus bulbosus
Great remedy for ulcers ragged zigzag raised edges
profuse granulations,proud flesh,vascular bleeding Nitric acid
easily when touched,splinter like pains
Bakers and Grocers itch Bo vista
Dry desquamation,Ringworm Sepia
Eruptions on exterior surfaces of joints Kresote
Thick callosities on skin ,deficient growth of nails Antimcrude
Aggravation from washing,skin rough,measly,soreness
in folds,eruptions at the margin of hair Sulphur
Herptic eruptions,much itching,skin dirty,greasy and
unwashed appearance,eczema rampant on sides of head
face,ears and cheeks
Moist eruptions,itching in bends and joints with much HeparSulphur
sensitiveness(unlike graphites)
skin is hard and rough,accompanied by constipation Sulphur
aggravation on washing
Women with scanty menses Sanguinaria
Acne on face neck and shoulders Kali bromatum
Small red pimples on face Antim Crude
Acne on face Beriberis acquifolium
There are many varieties,some tender and soft
some pointed,some hard
Big, without pain and damp Thuja 30-1m
painful,bleeding near genitals Nitric Acid 30-1m
Big,bleeding in finger folds,hands,nose, eyes
horny soft Causticum 30 -1m
horny broad RhusTox
Flat smooth,sore Ruta
painful,hard,shining Silica
On breast Castor
On forehead Castorea
On hands Kalimur 6X
On palms Natrum mur12x
On genitals,big and dark Sepia
Hard and painful Sulphur
Fresh corns Picnic acid 6
ulcerative Nitric acid 30
persisting AntimCrude 6
Measles prophylactic Morbillinum 30-200
High fever,watery eyes,sneezing,restless with Aconite 6
Aggravation of cough during evening and night Pulsatilla 6
Absence of thirst,thick mucus and blood from
nose and intestinal troubles
Dry hacking cough Bryonia 6-30
E eruptions turn black Arsenic 3x-6
Delayed eruptions,convulsions,congestion of chest VeratrumVIiride tincture
Body cold and blue Camphor tincture
Lung complications Antimtart6 phosphorous 6
Face flushed pulse full and hard Belladonna 3-6
EMAIL rrk_35@yahoo.com visit http://oocities.com/rrk_35
the figures are potencies of the medicines ,which have to be selected according
to the condition of the patient.The more the potency number the less the content
of the medicine.The higher the potency ,the more dynamic or atomic power of the
Read more: http://www.oocities.com/rrk_35/skinproblems.html#ixzz126Tgt4Gw
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