Diseases Of Women
Homeopathic system has an unique system of selection of remedies based on
the general personality of the patient,the outlook,attitudes,temperament of the patient
and naturally the attitudes of women in general play an important part in selection of
and treatment of female patients . For eg pulsatilla(wind flower) is considered to be a good
medicine for tearful blonde's.
Delayed menstruation
pain in abdomen and back,headache, loss of appetite Pulsatilla
nausea,patient with anemia mild and gentle,tearful,condition
worse in warm room
Menses suppressed from sudden or fright Bryonia
if followed by leucorreah Sepia
Delayed first ministration Seneca
nervous headache ,hysteria,nausea or vomiting
watery diarrhoea,pallid face,extremities cold Veratrum
constipation,chili feeling and cold feet in anaemic
and slender women NatrumMur
Delay in menses from inert nerves of ovaries.Headache Cimicifuga
sleeplessness ,pain in left breast
Constitutional remedies Sulphur,calecarea,sepia
Menstruation irregular scanty and vicarious
Vertigo,pain in ovaries,eyes and uterus Belladonna
Blood from nose,dry cough pain in chest Bryonia
Due to grief IGNATIA
Stoppage after excessive discharge CalicareaCarb
Dysmenorreah (Pain during menses)
Headache before the menstrual period and
like labour pain during the period Cimicifuga
cutting or tearing pains in loins,lower abdomen
and back, dirty scanty or profuse discharge in clots Pulsatilla
Convulsions from congestion of uterus,crampy pain Gelsimium
in thighs and genitals,pain starts from abdomen
and spreads to loins and upper part of back spasmodic
in the neck
untimely scanty discharge,chilliness,morning sickness Nuxvomica
Foul smelling discharge long before the period is due Secale cor
weak pulse,cold sweat,pain in lower abdomen like
the intestines are coming out of vagina
Menorhrea(excessive discharge)
too frequent,pain in abdomen nausea Borax
profuse discharge at night Magnesia Carb
with acrid leucorreah Ars.alb
Irregular with discharge red Sabina,Ipecac
do black Haemmolis
after abortion Secale
Chronic Sulphur
during periods copious thin,with putrid smell Crocus sativa
Discharge rapid and profuse ,yellowish and
acrid increases when lying down and decreases
while in motion Creosote
Tarry lumps,discharge on motion,crawling
sexual urge,enlargement of uterus Platina
labour pain,crusts in discharge Chamomilla
acute pain in groin and spine,relief on applying
The stoppage of menses is a natural change after the age of 40-45 years of age
and calls for no remedy,but the troubles of the process need remedies
occasional sensation of heart flushes,sweating Lachesis
burning sensation in the head aggravation after
nervous symptoms Sanguinaria,Amyl nitric
much sweating or salivation Jaborandi
head aches Glonine
empty feeling at the pit of stomach Hydro cynic acid
If the patient is stout Aconite
other useful remedies if other concomitant
symptoms tally Sulphur,Ignatia,cimicifuga
,sepia,calcarea `VISIT Authors site http://oocities.com/rrk
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